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Dispersal of processors AMD Athlon (Thunderbird) and Duron

Before to pass to the subject which has been taken out in header, some words in dispersal protection are necessary to tell. The urgency of it follows from this the fact, that in a dispersal subject more and more malopodgotovlennye users actively are interested. To the professionals wishing at once to familiarise with received results, it is possible to advise to skip the given section.

In dispersal protection

Computer power and its functionality, as is known, substantially depend on parametres of the units which are logging on the computer, and also from their joint, co-ordinated operation. It is not enough to select the computer and to specify its structure. It is necessary computer also optimally to customise, achieving maximum productivity of an ego of units and the most complete implementation of their functionality.

However it is necessary to mark, what even carefully customised and regularly serviced computer cannot correspond long time to permanently increasing requirements. Sooner or later each user of the computer faces a problem of its insufficient productivity for solution of tasks in view. After all spares on increase in productivity at the expense of all-round optimisation of operation of equipment rooms and computer software are completely settled, it is necessary to pass to more radical measures. As a rule, one users solve a problem of insufficient productivity by purchase of the new computer, others upgrade (upgrade) the existing. Both variants are linked to considerable financial expenses. Thus often enough specified operations concern still not old and perfectly working computer, probably, bought only a year-two ago, and can be and less!

However it is necessary to mark, that except optimisation of operation of hardware-software resources and their upgrade, there is one more path prolonging the period of maintenance still new, but already promptly becoming outdated computer technology. This path quite often gives the second life and to those computers as which modern already in any way you will not name. It is a question of a method which in English is named "overclocking", and in Russian - "dispersal". The essence of the given method consists in maintenance of some units and computer sites in the forced modes. It, as a rule, allows to raise essentially high-speed performance of each of them and accordingly productivity of all system. However, it is necessary to mark, that sometimes all it is reached by some lowering of dependability of operation and abbreviation of a resource of accident-free maintenance, that in many cases is quite admissible.

Really, in the conditions of constant development of computer processing techniques and development of more and more perfect soft hardware period of expedient maintenance of accessories is permanently reduced. At appearance of modern, better and efficient components begins economically unprofitable to maintain out-of-date prototypes. And it despite perfection of the "know-how", growth of dependability and period of their accident-free maintenance. Now for processors, videoadapters and hard disks operation period in computers usually makes no more than 2-3 years. It on the average. However many users even before the expiration of the given period try to substitute these, as a rule, serviceable and well working units, on more efficient samples. At the same time it is necessary to mark, that high dependability of computer units allows to maintain them more than 10 years. However, new, more perfect, more efficient samples appear, as a rule, everyone some months. Therefore possible some lowering of dependability and a resource (for example, with 10 till 5 years) is often justified and quite admissible, as the period of maintenance of computer units - is short also all resource all the same will not be worked out. And possible glitches and lags at correct performance of procedure of dispersal - are extremely rare and in usual conditions, as a rule, do not lead to fatal results. Certainly, it is not necessary to use the given modes for units of servers or, for example, in management systems of potentially dangerous productions and the vital processes. There computer glitches are not so harmless.

It is necessary to underline, that recently dispersal became popular and among owners of absolutely new computers. Such users for the purpose of further increase in productivity of the systems quite often already during purchase ask to instal the forced modes for processors of their computers. Their more experimental colleagues fulfil this operation by already own forces in house conditions, selecting an optimum behaviour at the hard control and careful testing of subsystems of the computers at all stages of dispersal.

Popularity of dispersal speaks not only natural desire of users to improve the architecture of the computers. The matter is that the given procedure applied, by the way, not only for processors, allows to reach at rather low expenses rather high efficiency for computers. Growth of productivity for the processor can reach 20-30 %, and at the tighter, but risky modes - to 50 % and more. It is similarly possible to raise essentially productivity of dynamic storage of the videoadapter and even a hard disk. Such considerable growth automatically translates the computer in higher category. Thus quite often completing an initial performance level successfully compete to more powerful and expensive representatives who are on the opposite end of a number. And that it is reached practically without additional expenses of financial assets is important. Saving only on the processor can reach several hundreds US dollars.

Despite obvious economic radicals of dispersal of computer accessories, it is not necessary to consider the given method of rise of productivity of computers only from these positions. Often enough in the forced modes maintain the advanced, the newest, units and the sites, which productivity it is very high. This metric is defined by the reached level of the current technologies underlying functioning of computer accessories. Their dispersal allows to lift a lath of productivity and functionality still above.

However popularisation of operating experience of units infringes on economic interests of corporations-manufacturers of computer accessories in the forced modes. And they for quite clear reasons would not like to lose even a part of the profits at all. Besides, possibilities of dispersal malefactors who of mercenary promptings forge marking of computer units, for example, processors, memory modules etc. quite often use., producing them for more efficient, and therefore and more expensive models of accessories. Small corporations some, as a rule, go further away. They release arrangements, for example, videoadapters, motherboards or even computers with already dispersed units and for quite clear reasons do not inform of it potential users.

Considering possibilities of falsifications and protecting the commercial interests much of corporations-manufacturers of accessories bring various refinements in the products interfering a fake of markings and limiting possibilities on overgrowth of productivity at the expense of usage of supernumerary functional modes.

Nevertheless, it is necessary to mark, that, despite a desperate resistance of some corporations-manufacturers of the processors in every way interfering maintenance of the products in forced modes, steady growth of popularity of dispersal is observed. It is promoted also by appearance of appropriate motherboards and chip sets, and even special software. In the computer market various resources of cooling of computer accessories are widely presented. All it facilitates installation of appropriate modes, customisation and testing process.

To research of the forced modes and framing of appropriate guidelines have devoted itself not only separate enthusiasts, but also many serious corporations, both foreign, and domestic. Sometimes such operations are fulfilled even with the consent of manufacturers. For an example cooperation of KryoTech corporations and AMD can be. As a result of their researches AMD corporation processors in modes of extremal dispersal have reached values of 1 GHz long before release of processors for which the given data frequency was already regular. And Compaq corporation even offers platforms for high-powered servers in which basis the processing techniques of KryoTech corporation providing extremal cooling of processors of type AMD Athlon are applied, maintained in the forced modes.

Heightened interest to a problem of dispersal from a number of computer corporations speaks simply enough. Similar researches allow to improve processing techniques, to perfect architectures, to raise productivity of units and sites. Besides, it allows to store statistics of glitches and refusals that allows to develop effective hardware-software resources of rise of dependability. Eventually, ability of computer units steadily to work in the forced modes - excellent advertising for production of corporations-manufacturers of the given accessories. And, as is known, modern processors, such as AMD Athlon (Thunderbird) and Duron, possess a considerable technological store of productivity which, despite some units of protection, under some conditions can be realised in the course of dispersal as additional increase of computer power.

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