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IDF Spring 2002
Evgenie Rudometov.
Value of various scientific and technical schools, seminars, conferences and the symposiums, making the big impact on development of modern perspective processing techniques, it is difficult to overestimate. Participating in their operation, experts have an opportunity to familiarise with advanced achievements and operatively to exchange knowledge. Further they inform on results and perspectives wide layers of the public interested in usage of advanced achievements on operation and in a life, stimulating development of appropriate industries. It allows to consider such meetings as original catalysts of a science, engineering and economy. To number of the similar actions representing the big public value, it is necessary to carry, of course, and the traditional forum devoted to high technologies in the field of computers and electronics, — IDF (IDF - Intel Developer Forum).
Being the largest action for implementators of hardware and the software, forum IDF is spent some times in a year. Thus IDF gathers leading representatives of a science and engineering for consideration of the various questions linked to the advanced computer processing techniques and production of electronic branches, intended for personal computers, servers, the communication equipment and pocket computing circuits. IDF is technological conference largest in branch for leading implementators with involvement of representatives of mass media. At meetings IDF led in the different countries of the world within all year, key players of branch discuss the advanced processing techniques and products of electronic branches of the industry. It is necessary to mark, that these branches define the person of a modern civilisation and influence economy development, practically, all countries of the world.
The current forum has taken place on February, 25-28th, 2002 in San Franciscos (USA).
Key feature of the given forum is that fact, that it, perhaps, first largest IT action led in an output of hi-tech branches from crisis which is the heaviest for the last some tens years.
Moreover, the declared processing techniques and products in which development work of thousand highly skilled experts of different corporations is enclosed, undoubtedly, will to promote not only to an output from crisis, but also to further development of perspective industries.
Public value of these processing techniques and products rather highly. However before to pass to lighting of some examples, the author of these strings became the witness of which effective demonstrating, it is necessary to concern and of some organizational actions. As they are incarnation of those high technologies considered on IDF Spring 2002.
Possibly, naturally, that the given action was led in a city allocated in the State of California. This staff is sosredotochiem everything, that is linked to computers and electronics.
City beautiful, light and solar, at least, in the specified days of carrying out IDF Spring 2002 to what to some extent testify presented below a photo.
The centre of carrying out IDF Spring 2002 had been selected large exhibition centre of San Francisco — Moscone Center. Some tens well equipped premises and qualified personnel of this centre could contain and provide comfortable operation of several thousand technical experts and representatives of mass media from all world.
For convenient operation more than 400 journalists and support of an operative information transfer in specially equipped room have been installed some tens computers with LCD-monitors, a considerable quantity of electrical female connectors (the American standard), and also phones long-distance and an international telecommunication.
For the same who prefers to work behind the notebooks, resources wireless (IEEE802.11b), the protected access to a local area network with Internet connection have been given.
Protection and traditional which was provided with considerable number appropriate amount of the equipped experts has not been forgotten. Such experts met rather often. Generally speaking, they do not like to act in film, but for the Russian journalist one of them has made an exception and even has agreed popozirovat.
Possibly, there is no necessity to remind, that all specified resources of support of a normal life and effective operation, including telephony and Internet connection, have been given journalists free of charge. More shortly, misters-journalists, only work. And it is real, actions were led all day long. Considering different preconditioning and different interests, operation was carried out on sections.
However every day started with key reports of bosses of corporation of Intel. These reports called indefatigable interest, gathering on some thousand persons.
As the first the head of corporation of Intel Krejg Barrett (Craig Barrett, Chief Executive Officer, Intel Corporation) has appeared.
«Despite difficulties which our corporation in 2001 has gone through, I would not exchange operation in Intel for operation in any other company in the world, - K.Barrett has noticed, summing up activity of corporation headed by it for the past year. – those capital investments which we have made in 2001 in design developments and in development of capacities, become an excellent backlog for advanced growth when in the industry of high technologies new lifting» will start. Thus he has underlined, as the subsequent years Intel corporation will put considerable resources in scientific researches and production upgrade.
In Intel consider, that the companies share on winners and lost on they adhere to what strategy during hard times. As, on well-aimed expression of one of corporation founders - Andy Grove, for all crises is one remarkable feature: sooner or later they come to an end, - in Intel still select huge resources for researches and developments, and also on the further extension of capacities. This strategy will provide the companies stronger lead by that moment when branch will overcome present recession.
As the proof of gravity of the aspirations new models of high-powered processors of Intel of Pentium 4 have been shown. Demonstrating of the several video streams output on the verge of spun in space, a virtual parallelepiped, was an effective illustration of possibilities modern high-powered 3 GHz of the processor of Intel of Pentium 4.
Not less interestingly multimedia possibilities of high-powered system and in other demonstratings, for example, here such looked.
Here construction of an image is presented in the form of sequence of motionless frames. On the demonstration screen all occurred in dynamics that is much more effective.
Were, of course, and other examples, however narrow graphic frames of article do not allow to present all it how it was actually. Nevertheless, the resulted frames show possibilities of high-powered systems and the specialised software.
Intel corporation has presented the set of the network processors created on the basis of perspective processing technique of Intel XScale.
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