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The processor of Intel Celeron Tualatin

Evgenie Rudometov, Victor Rudometov.

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However high density of units and reduction of distances between explorers strengthens parasitic influence of interelement sizes that increases teploobrazovanie and reduces stability of operation of internal units. Therefore in production of the newest chips and processors insulators with a small dielectric coefficient have been used.
As an isolating substance the silicon dioxide alloyed by fluorine (SiO2), having a small dielectric coefficient (3,6) uses.

Special engineering of kernel Tualatin possible to raise high-speed performance of processors and to solve problems steady and a safe operation at comprehensible level energopotreblenija and teploobrazovanija and to lower the cost price. Last it is extremely important for systems
Low End.

It is a little changes in the kernel. That the problems linked with new tehprotsessom solve, processing technique Data Prefetch Logic more effectively using the cache memory was added only.

The new kernel has demanded development of guidelines for implementators on maintenance of thermal modes and monitoring of operation of hardware (, and also release of a new generation of units of support — chip sets.

Key feature of a new kernel — the approach to a problem of power supplies of a kernel of the processor.
At the expense of reduction of a thickness of locks of the transistors making a basis of structures of a kernel, it was possible to lower levels of a control voltage that has allowed to lower a supply voltage of a kernel to 0,9-1,475 Century For Coppermine — 1,65-1,75 V.Takzhe have decreased to 1,25 In an operating voltage of the processor bus.

Actually for the processors created on the basis of kernel Tualatin, it is not absolutely correct to speak about power of a kernel. Dynamic handle of power depending on a consumption current Here uses. The above a current, the it is possible to hold power, since more low. At the big currents influence of spurious capacitances there is less. Thus, the heat release is stabilised.

New conditions of power supplies provide appropriate units VRM — the unit on the motherboard, a kernel working out a supply voltage. Similar units should satisfy version 8.5 specifications — VRM 8.5. VRM 8.5 units together with chip sets, for example, i815 B-step and VIA Apollo Pro133T, provide appropriate conditions for operation of processors Celeron created on the basis of kernel Tualatin. Systems which structure includes such processors, show high metrics of productivity, as will be presented in one of following articles.

It is published in log "the Computer the Inform"

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