"PC: Overclocking, Optimization and Tuning"
Complete contents of the book
1. Introduction 1
2. BIOS Setup 7
Managing RAM 8
Cache Memory 10
Video Subsystem and Hard Drive 10
3. Optimizing Hard Drives 13
Increasing the Speed 14
Increasing Capacity 26
4. Compressing the Hard Drive 33
The DriveSpace 3 Program 34
The Compression Agent Program 39
5. Caching Hard and Compact Disks 41
Caching Implementation in MS-DOS and Windows 3.1x 42
Caching Implementation in Windows 95/98 44
6. Optimizing the Video Subsystem 47
7. Optimizing RAM 55
Express Setup Mode 58
Custom Setup Mode 59
8. Updating the BIOS 61
BIOS Flashing Utilities 63
BIOS and Computer Performance 65
9. Testing, Monitoring, and Diagnostics 69
Monitoring Elements’ Parameters 81
10. Windows 9x/NT/2000 Local Area Networks 95
Setting up the Network 96
Configuring the Network 97
Organizing Access to Shared Resources 99
Mapping Network Drives 102
Using Network Printers 105
Playing Games via the Network 106
Creating Remote Networks 106
Windows NT/2000 Networks 108
Creating a Windows 95/98 User Account 109
Creating a Windows NT/2000 User Account 112
Configuring a Windows NT/2000 Network 116
11. Overclocking Modes 127
Some Overclocking Problems 129
Clock Frequencies and Performance 130
Switching Modes Through BIOS Setup 141
Changing the Multiplier 142
Increasing the Voltage and Cooling 142
12. Requirements for Overclocked Elements 145
The Processor 146
The Motherboard 149
RAM 151
13. Overclocking the Processor 153
Overclocking 286, 386, and 486 Processors 154
Overclocking Pentium Intel and Pentium MMX Processors 156
Overclocking Intel OF PENTIUM Pro Processors 159
Overclocking Intel OF PENTIUM II and Pentium III Processors 161
Basic Principles of Overclocking Pentium II
and Pentium III Processors 161
Re-marked Intel OF PENTIUM II Processors — an Obstacle
to Overclocking 163
Increasing the Bus Frequency 164
Overclocking Celeron Processors 168
Some Characteristics of Celeron Processors 168
Choosing the Best Celeron Processor 170
Parameters of Overclocked Celeron 266/300 Processors 172
Parameters of Overclocked Celeron 300A/333 Processors 173
Overclocking Pentium III Processors (Coppermine) 177
Overclocking Celeron (Coppermine) Processors 181
Increasing the Voltage of the Processor 182
Pentium II and Celeron 182
Pentium III 185
Overclocking Cyrix/IBM 6x86 Processors 187
Overclocking AMD-K5 and AMD-K6 Processors 189
Overclocking AMD Athlon (K7) Processors 192
Increasing the Bus Frequency 194
Modifying the Layout of the Resistors 195
Using the Athlon Technological Connector 201
Overclocking AMD Duron and Thunderbird 208
Identifying Processors 210
Intel 210
AMD 217
Additional Information 220
14. Overclocking Video Adapters and Hard Drives 243
15. Overclocking: Step-by-Step 249
16. Testing Overclocked Systems 253
17. Motherboards and Chipsets for Overclocking Modes 259
Motherboards Supporting Increased Bus Frequency 260
Popular Motherboards 269
Popular Chipsets 277
Intel Chipsets 277
VIA Chipsets 281
18. Cooling Devices and Methods 287
Heatsinks and Fans 288
Examples of Coolers 293
Choosing a Cooler for Pentium II/III Processors 293
Peltier Semiconductor Coolers 300
Peltier Modules 302
Features of Operation 309
Examples of Peltier Coolers 313
Cooling the Processor with Software 316
19. Examples and Results of Overclocking 323
Overclocking and Optimizing i486 Computers 325
Preliminary Testing of the Processor 326
Overclocking and Testing 326
Comparison of the Test Results 327
Overclocking and Optimizing a Computer with
an iPentium MMX 166 Processor 330
Setting the Overclocking Mode and Testing the System 330
Testing a Computer on the High Level 342
Optimizing the Memory and Video Subsystem Using BIOS Setup 347
Results of Overclocking an AMD-K6-2 Computer 353
Overclocking Computers with iCeleron Processors 355
Computers with iCeleron 266/300 Processors 355
Computers with iCeleron 300A/333 Processors 357
Computers with iCeleron 300A Processors (Slot 1) 360
Computers with iCeleron 300A Processors (PPGA cartridge) 362
Computers with iCeleron 333 Processors (Slot 1) 365
Computers with iCeleron 366 Processors (PPGA cartridge) 366
Overclocking Computers with iPentium II Processors 368
Computers with iPentium II 300 Processors 368
Computers with iPentium II 333 Processors 371
Results of Overclocking a Computer with
the iPentium III 500 Processor 373
Overclocking Computers with Pentium III (Coppermine) Processors 374
Computers with Pentium III 500E Processors 375
Computers with Pentium III 550E Processors 378
Computers with Pentium III 700E Processors 381
Overclocking Computers with Celeron (Coppermine) Processors 384
Computers with Celeron 533 Processors 384
Computers with Celeron 667 Processors 388
Overclocking Computers with AMD Athlon Processors 391
Computers with AMD Athlon 650 Processors 392
Overclocking Computers with AMD Duron Processors 394
Computers with AMD Duron 650 Processors 395
20. Web Addresses 397
Index 401