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Meeting with the president

Evgenie Rudometov

In the beginning of October to Russia with two-day business visit there has arrived the president, the main chief executive of corporation of Intel Floor Otellini (Paul Otellini). It became already the fourth representative of the top management of corporation of Intel, visited our country from the beginning of 2005. During the visit the president of Intel has taken part in annual meeting of members and directors of the Russian-American business advice, has met the Russian employees of Intel, has carried on negotiations with heads of some the Russian and foreign companies, and also has appeared at press conference with the report.

In the report Floor Otellini has told about some reachings and schedules rukovodimoj it corporations, and also has traditionally stated an estimation of IT development of Russia and has formulated a number of guidelines.

Фото.1 The President, the main chief executive of corporation of Intel Floor Otellini

In particular he has marked the big technological and social changes which have occurred in our society since time of its first visit in 1995. So, for example, at that time mobile phones were the big rarity, the small part of journalists used e-mail, and the business newspaper influential in Russia, making comments on presentation of new model of the processor of Intel of Pentium, gave pessimistic forecasts concerning implantation of similar processing techniques in our country. Since then Russia has achieved considerable progress in development of the market of informational and communication processing techniques. In many respects it liquidated technological backlog. The quantity of the subscribers using in Russia mobile phones, comes nearer to 100 million, in the country is included about 18 million Internet users. Cumulative expenditures of Russia on information technologies only this year, predictably, will exceed 20 billion dollars.

Substantially the positive tendencies occurring in our country, and also all over the world, the president of Intel traditionally links to the vigorous activity of the corporation which also promptly develops. And if 30 years ago this activity, basically, was reduced to creation of highly profitable productions in such countries, as Malaysia and Philippines now the area of interests has considerably extended. Now Intel creates centres of researches and hardware and software developments in the different countries.

The last decade began to gain the increasing weight as consumers of high technologies of the country with transitive economy. The share of such countries in total amount of sales of production of Intel has increased from 15 % to almost 40 %. If 10 years ago Intel worked all in 4 cities in territory of the states with transitive economy now the number of such cities exceeds 1200. For the same period the quantity of the companies-participants of appropriate programs of support of the local computer industry has grown from 6 thousand to approximately 160 thousand.

Its activity in China which rates of development are extremely high is one of examples of active operation of Intel. Now this state wins first place in the world by quantity of TVs sold there and mobile phones. China also is on the second place and as it is considered, will soon come out on top by quantity of sold personal computers and Internet users. This state, according to Floor Otellini, is for a magnificent example of what the country can achieve if leaders of its government and business have the accurate strategy of implantation of informational and communication processing techniques as tool of rise of competitiveness.

Developing this subject, the head of Intel has marked, that at the population in 143 million person Russia is among world leaders by quantity of doctors and candidates of sciences and people with an engineering education. Intel corporation on advantage has estimated for a long time already talent of the Russian engineers, having created research and development centres in Nizhni Novgorod, Sarov, Moscow, Novosibirsk and St.-Petersburg. Today in Russia 1300 employees of Intel work almost, and the next years their number will double.

Carrying out the activity, the corporation promotes implementation of the numerous programs routed on implantation of perspective processing techniques and the extension of number of users of computers.

In the report Floor Otellini has marked, that throughout the last 7 years the annual gain of the Russian industry of informational and communication processing techniques expressed in ambiguous digit. However the president of Intel considers, that it is far not a limit. So, by estimations of analytical division of log Economist, by the end of this year in Russia will be only 274 thousand users of broad-band link. As a result on a degree of readiness for usage of modern digital processing techniques Russia lags behind many other things the states with transitive economy, that, according to the head of Intel, enters obvious inconsistency with the purpose set as by president Putin to achieve gross national product doubling the next years.

For successful development of Russia Floor Otellini considers, that closer interaction of the power and business in questions of familiarising of a society to digital processing techniques is necessary. Informational and communication processing techniques can play an integration role in these processes. Besides, business and authorities should carry on teamwork on creation of transparent procedure of import of production of the world industry of informational and communication processing techniques leaning against the law. Already one it will sharply raise competitiveness of Russia, will give considerably bolshemu to number of the Russian companies access to the markets of capitals and other sources of growth. At last, it is necessary to enter the standard open standarts, for example, into areas in the field of wireless broad-band link.

In summary the president of Intel has marked: «Like oil and other natural minerals, information technologies are among the crucial resources, capable to provide development of Russia in 21st century. Intel is ready to co-operate with authorities, representatives of the business, all Russians who is ready to achieve country upgrade».

Article is published in log the Computer the Price (Computer Price).

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