«The PC architecture, accessories, multimedia» - the Press release
In the Publishing house "Peter" there was a new book: "the PC Architecture, accessories, multimedia".
The choice konfiguratsiipersonalnogo the computer in the conditions of constant sovershenstvovanijakomponentov, features of their functioning, manufacturing techniques irasshirenija assortment of corporations-manufacturers turns every year at all more serious problem.
First of all, it is necessary to mark wide enough band of the considered questions which covers all main components of the PC, starting from processors and ending the equipment of multimedia. On pages of the book authors give also practical guidelines and concrete advices how most competently to fulfil upgrade of the computer and to optimise its productivity. Certainly, to state in the book of rather modest sizes all gamma of making modern computers hardly it is possible. Nevertheless, authors managed to make much enough - especially it is necessary to mark the good browse of characteristics of modern motherboards and chip sets which helps to be oriented with their variety in the market. On the other hand, hard disks HDD, drives of CD-RW, modems and the network equipment are presented superficially. In the book there are no data on enough widespread models of the appropriate equipment. Does not raise the doubts and that fact, that the book only has won, if besides reference data contains necessary illustrations. Last are for irreplaceable attribute of the books calculated for novice users.
In end it is necessary to express hope, that book Rudometova E and Rudometova V, containing reference data on wide enough class of components of modern PCs, will render the real help to readers which plan acquisition or upgrade of the computers. To add confidence to their operations will help and guidelines containing in the text and advices on performance of practical operations necessary for it.