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Free ON with a known brand

Evgenie Rudometov

The motherboards of the last generation intended for the market of desktop computers and supporting the newest perspective processing techniques, Intel corporation completes with the various software among which it is possible to find not only system ON, but also a number of unexpected and interesting applications

Before to pass to the description of some software products, delivered by corporation of Intel to users of the products as a free bonus, it is necessary to mark, that the substance offered more low is exclusively subjective opinion and is oriented to nonspecialists.

Such introduction has been selected because as shows experience, experts (or those who consider itself as experts) always have own opinion on all questions and they are difficult enough for overpersuading. On the other hand, the accessory to a narrow circle of the devoted leads to an elitism of knowledge, inaccessibility to their associates and limits their distribution. Unfortunately, all it promotes distorted perception of a reality for uninitiated and to creation of various myths.

Someone can doubt, but the life confirms truthfulness of the told. And that the life is complete errors and the stereotypes, everyone can be convinced on own experience.

As one of such examples it is possible to result a widespread myth that the free software is useless for users and is only in the marketing purposes. For the sake of justice it is necessary to recognise, that in some cases it indeed. And it is enough to detect some times such examples, and here already the thinking stereotype is ready. Having detected similar bonuses in the acquisition, involuntarily you transfer this negative experience on all the rest, nesmotrja already on bright labels and loud brands. Alas, and among products of known manufacturers it was necessary to meet examples of a similar useless filling medium.

To what it is all? And to what even after carrying out of the big number of testings of set of various computer products, the life sometimes throws unexpectedness. And here some software products with Intel brand became such unexpectedness.

Really, the last years the corporation of Intel more and more attention gives to software engineering, components the increasing, all time an increasing share of its business. By the way, some software products are developed in laboratories of Intels allocated in Russia. To experts well-known the numerous packages intended for the server market, presented by systems on the basis of processors IntelItanium  2 and IntelXeon. It both optimising compilers, and controls and monitoring by hardware.

Some of such resources are created and for desktop solutions. Moreover, a considerable part from them are free and, that the most surprising, they can be useful.

It is necessary to mark, that in the last products, such as motherboards of the last generation from Intel, the list of free programs is enough big. Among these programs, except drivers, it is possible to name, for example, such as IntelActive Monitor, IntelDesktop Control Center, IntelDesktop Utilities, IntelAudio Studio, InterVideoWinDVD Creator Silver, InterVideoHome Theater Silver, NortonInternet Security 2004, LANDeskSystem Manager, GameSpyGameTools, MusicMatchJukeBox, AdobeAcrobat Reader and other programs.

So, software product IntelActive Monitor fulfils functions of the utility of the system monitoring, dynamically watching key parametres of maintained system. By means of this program it is possible to inspect supply voltages, values of temperature, speed of rotation of fans. Still the big possibilities allows IntelDesktop Utilities. Possibilities of this program in many respects overlap possibilities IntelActive Monitor linked to the control of parametres of functioning of system. And by means of IntelDesktop Control Center it is possible is thin to customise system, not resorting to help BIOS Setup. At usage of the computer as multimedia centre functions of program IntelAudio Studio can be claimed. Using power of modern high-powered processors, this program allows to control audiostreams, superimposing on them every possible filters.

Certainly, considerations are worthy also other programs, however the limited sizes of given article do not allow to make it. Nevertheless, all the same it is necessary to dwell upon one software product.

It is linked by that the given product drops out of the resulted list made of programs of system or applied value a little, the hardware linked to maintenance. It means, that the named programs urged to expand possibilities of existing computers, showing practically non-limiting possibilities of this class of arrangements which use as multimedia centres of processing of audio and a video information more and more.

Certainly, all it is routed on popularisation, both computers, and increase in attractiveness of products from Intel. As such products motherboards of the last generation in which structure the specified programs are delivered appear.

However it appears, the resulted list does not limit packages of cards from Intel. Unexpectedly as a part of motherboard IntelD925XCV created on the basis of a chip set of Intel 925X, there was one more curious CD deserving separate, let and short, special consideration.

Fig. 1. A package of the free software of motherboard IntelD925XCV

Feature of the given software product is that fact, that it is training. Moreover, this CD which has received the name «Bases of operation from the PC from Intel company», is interativnym course of individual training.

The maintenance of learning CD:

·         Introduction,

·         Bases of operation from the PC,

·         Operation with MicrosoftOffice,

·         Operation with the computer,

·         the Additional information.

Each section of the maintenance is divided into separate units.

«Bases of operation from the PC» consists of following parts: the lesson Browse, Skills of operation with the computer, Introduction in Windows, Introduction in the Internet, Operation with electronic letters, Hooking up of arrangements, lesson End.

Fig. 2. An operation fragment in section «Bases of operation from the PC»

«Operation with MicrosoftOffice»: the lesson Browse, Conducting in MicrosoftOffice, Word Usage, Excel Usage, Usage PowerPoint, Usage of business functions Outlook, lesson End.

«Operation with the computer»: the lesson Browse, Usage of photos, music Listening, Review of video data, home video Creation, lesson End.

«The additional information»: Dialog boxes, the Glossary, the Keyboard shortcut.

Fig. 3. An operation fragment in section «Additional information»

Learning process is accompanied by a soundtrack. The speaker in detail tells about possibilities of the PC and solution of arising problems, but it is possible to select and the text, displayed the screen monitor. Always it is possible to return back or on the contrary to skip any section. All it allows to plan self-training process flexibly.

By the way, it CD protected by appropriate laws, is planned to complete all motherboards from Intel.

Parsing possibilities of data, certainly, interesting software product, you start to understand, how can and, generally speaking, the training system if it is done by the professional command possessing experience and necessary knowledge should look.

Article is published in log the Computer the Price (Computer Price).

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