Perspective processing techniques and products Abit
Evgenie Rudometov, Victor Rudometov.
Production of Abit corporation well-known in the Russian market. Created on the basis of usage of the newest units and processing techniques it differs dependability and a wide spectrum of possibilities among which not the last place occupies dispersal. More low presented substance is devoted the summary of some firm processing techniques and release of some novelties.
Production of computers and accessories to them is priority branch of the industry of the majority of the advanced countries. For many of them this perspective branch is the main source of riches and prosperity. And, as is known, its share continues the growth, overtaking traditional branches of the industry.
As a result of this growth computer processing techniques successfully develop, and development and release of the new products which are carried out in the conditions of a hard competition between corporations proceeds. Some, not having soaked this race, step-by-step withdraw, becoming history objects. Others strengthen the position, periodically showing to the public the perspective processing techniques developed and mastered by them and products.
One of such corporations is Abit Corporation (further simply Abit), releasing a wide spectrum of computer production. This corporation well-known to domestic users first of all the motherboards and the videoadapters which nomenclature it permanently refreshes, using the newest accessories. Thus, practically, right after declarations of these completing with manufacturers Abit corporation, however, as well as its many not less eminent competitors, immediately releases appropriate products.
From the last variants of the motherboards created on the basis of the newest chip sets, it is necessary to mark the following models oriented to processors of Intel of Pentium 4. It, for example, Abit IT7-MAX2 (i845E), Abit BG7 (i845G), Abit BD7II-RAID (i845E), Abit BE7-RAID (i845PE), Abit SR-8X (SiS 645/963). These are the interesting products possessing a wide spectrum of functionality with support of the advanced computer processing techniques.
However ambiguous response in a press was called by the models which are not incorporating traditional PS/2 plugs, such as IT7 (i845E). It is necessary to mark, that representatives Abit have admitted the fact of reserved response of the computer market on the initiative of refusal of PS/2 plugs and their changeover on USB as it has been made in models of series MAX.
Fig. 1. Motherboard Abit IT7 plugs (i845E)
Really, far not all received after the lapse of some time the status of branch standards progressive undertakings have been enthusiastically met by potential users. It is enough to recollect implantation of instruction sets MMX and SSE, processing techniques of usage of system memory under the frame buffer the video resources integrated into chip sets (SMBA architecture - Shared Memory Buffer Architecture), USB and, of course, memories Rambus.
Unfortunately, even the most perspective ideas and products far win not at once the place put by it in the market and an appropriate recognition of potential consumers. The hard competition and objective laws of the market force corporations to adjust the schedules. For this reason Abit corporation has created a new line of motherboards MAX2 and has released the appropriate models oriented, by the way, as on processors of Intel of Pentium 4, and competing products AMD.
To pass to razrelu Motherboards and chip sets