Motherboard Gigabyte GA-8IK1100
Evgenie Rudometov, Victor Rudometov.
Gigabyte corporation releases motherboard Gigabyte GA-8IK1100. The high-powered chip set of Intel 875P became a basis of this card. The card is oriented to creation of the high-powered computer systems which basis is made by processors of NetBurst architecture with processing technique Hyper-Threading.
Traditionally users pay the main attention to a central processor unit choice. Its architecture and clock rate are the important parametres. However for correct operation of the processor it is necessary to provide an optimum behaviour set by appropriate chips, a part of the motherboard defining the architecture of all system of the computer.
Now in the computer market various products of the big number of manufacturers of the motherboards, differing are presented by functionality, parametres of dependability and stability of operation, and also the price. Thus the given parametres substantially depend on a choice of chips and quality of manufacture of the motherboard the corporation-manufacturer.
One of the leaders taking the upper positions in the list of manufacturers of motherboards, – company Gigabyte which the last years steadily holds the fourth place on number of released cards.
Among recently released models of the motherboards developed on the basis of a popular chip set of Intel 875P, – card GA-8IK1100.
Motherboard Gigabyte GA-8IK1100 is oriented to creation of powerful workstations and high-powered desktop personal computers. As well as all products on the basis of Intel chip set 875P, this card allows to realise all advantages of the architecture of processors of Intel of Pentium 4 with processing technique Hyper-Threading. High efficiency of motherboard Gigabyte GA-8IK1100 is reached thanks to support of the processor bus with a transmission frequency of the given 800 MHz and units of a two-channel subsystem of memory DDR400.
Intel chip set 875P motherboard Gigabyte GA-8IK1100

Fig. 1. Structure of the computer created on the basis of a chip set i875P
Intel chip set 875P (i875P, Canterwood) is oriented to the architecture of workstations and high-powered desktop PCs. Supports systems with processors of Intel of Pentium 4 with processing technique Hyper-Threading, 0,13 microns created on processing technique . The given processors are hooked up through Socket 478 plug and work with bus FSB of type QPB (Quad-Pumped Bus) which clock rate for the given chip set can make 133 or 200 MHz. However usage of the models calculated and on frequency of the bus of 100 MHz is possible .
The chip set i875P consists of two components — Memory Controller Hub (MCH) and I/O Controller Hub (ICH), jointed by bus Hub Link (256 Mb per second).
MCH component is presented by Intel chip 82875P, containing resources of interfaces of operation with the processor, AGP videoadapter, dynamic storage units, and also with chip I/O Controller Hub.
Built in Intel chip 82875P the memory controller provides support: two-and one-channel functional modes of memory DDR SDRAM (Double Data Rate SDRAM — SDRAM with data transfer on lobbies and back edges of clock pulses of the bus of memory), DDR400/333/266, a maximum memory size — to 4 Gbytes, chips 128, 256, 512 Mbit DDR SDRAM, units both with ECC, and without ECC. In patterns with support ECC in a two-channel mode the bus of 144 bits, without support ECC — 128 bits uses .
Chip MCH supports different frequency functional modes for processor and memory buses.
For a synchronous functional mode of memory DDR400 and frequency of the bus of 800 MHz probably usage of the mode providing raised productivity of a subsystem of memory, — processing techniques of Intel PAT (Performance Acceleration Technology). In this mode the delays linked to synchronisation are minimised.
The built in controller of a drawing supports one arrangement 0,8/1,5 In AGP 3.0, working in modes AGP 8х/4x.
In the architecture of a chip of Intel 82875P the special interface is provided, allowing to realise Gigabit Ethernet. Carrying over of these resources from ICH in MCH speaks insufficient capacity of the local bus jointing hubs MCH and ICH.
Handle of computer peripheral devices is carried out by Intel chip 82801ЕB — ICH the fifth version which are a part of a base package of a chip set i875P.
The built in resources of a chip of handle of peripheral devices of a base set support: two channels IDE with support ATA 33/66/100 (to four arrangements IDE), two ports Serial ATA 150, eight ports USB 2.0, six PCI (32 bits/33 of MHz), LPC (Low Pin Count), AC ' 97 with support of three codecs of the audiochannels, integrated controller Ethernet 10/100 Base-TX, SMBas, ACPI 2.0, and also other resources and functions.
Except Intel 82801ЕB, usage of the expanded version of hub ICH5 — ICH5R is possible . This expanded variant is presented by Intel chip 82801ЕR which differs from the predecessor function RAID of level 0.
The main technical parametres of motherboard Gigabyte GA-8IK1100
Fig. 2. Motherboard Gigabyte GA-8IK1100 package
Fig. 3. Motherboard Gigabyte GA-8IK1100
Fig. 4. Card
Gigabyte GA-8IK1100 plugs
The processor
- Support of processors of Intel of Pentium 4 with processing technique Hyper-Threading with the bus 800, 533, 400 MHz in 478-contact tank mPGA.
Chip set
- Intel 82875P (MCH) and Intel 82801ER (ICH5R);
- Two ports Serial ATA 150 c support RAID 0;
- Ultra ATA 100/66 protocol;
- Five PCI plugs.
Dynamic storage
- Six plugs (184 contact electrodes) for dynamic storage DIMM, DDR 400, DDR333, DDR266 (2,5 In, 128/256/512/1024 Mbit, unbuffered), is supported mode ECC, maximum size — to 4 Gbytes;
- Support of one or two channels of dynamic storage.
- One general-purpose size 1,5 or 0,8 In AGP 3.0 with support of mode AGP 8X/4X/Pro.
- Audiosubsystem on the basis of codec ALC655 CODEC.
- The integrated network controller of Intel Kinnereth-R LAN PHY 10/100 Mbit/with (RJ45).
- Two connectors Ultra DMA 100/66/33;
- Two connectors Serial ATA 150.
System BIOS
- AWARD BIOS, 4 Mбит h 2 FWH Flash EEPROM;
- Dual BIOS;
- Multi Language BIOS;
- Face Wizard;
- Q-Flash.
- One AGP slot, five PCI slots.
Peripherals plugs
- One Floppy port (supports arrangements in size to 2,88 Mb);
- PS/2 The keyboard and PS/2 the mouse;
- One parallel port (Parallel);
- Two serial ports (COM);
- Eight USB 2.0 plugs;
- Three IEEE1394 plugs;
- One network IrDA plug;
- One RJ45 plug;
- Audioplugs (Line-In, Mic-In, Line-Out).
Monitoring of hardware
- Monitoring of powers and temperatures.
Form factor
- ATX, the sizes 30,5 x 24,4 sm, 6 layers PCB.
Structure of a package of motherboard Gigabyte GA-8IK1100
Into package structure enter:
- Box;
- Motherboard Gigabyte GA-8IK1100;
- Compact disc with drivers and utilities;
- The user manual in English;
- Quick reference guide Quick PC;
- The cover plate of input/output corresponding to specification ATX;
- Loop for hooking up of the flexible drive;
- Cable for hooking up ATA66/100;
- Two cables Serial ATA;
- Cable IEEE1394;
- Cable USB 2.0.
Features of the architecture and design of motherboard Gigabyte GA-8IK1100
The design of motherboard Gigabyte GA-8IK1100 as a whole corresponds to referens-design of similar products.
It is necessary to mark, that motherboard Gigabyte GA-8IK1100 represents the simplified version of card Gigabyte GA-8KNXP. Difference consists in some features of the architecture and a complete set. So, for example, in motherboard Gigabyte GA-8KNXP by means of chips GigaRAID IT8212F and Silicon Image additional ports Ultra DMA 133/100/66/33 and Serial ATA 150, providing RAID 0, RAID 1 and RAID 0+1 are realised . Besides, instead of the integrated network controller of Intel Kinnereth-R LAN PHY 10/100 Mbit/with more powerful variant — Intel 82547EI (KENAI II CSA) is provided . This variant provides implementation Gigabit Ethernet. In addition to the enumerated features of card Gigabyte GA-8KNXP it is necessary to mark possibility of usage of the additional potential consisting in application of the special card-expansion. The given additional card-extension provides uvelichenieja powers of the converter of powers (VRM), that can be actual in case of usage of modes of dispersal, and also future more powerful processors. Unfortunately, the simplified version of motherboard Gigabyte GA-8IK1100 is deprived these possibilities.
Fig. 5. Structure of motherboards Gigabyte GA-8KNXP and Gigabyte GA-8IK1100, linked to chip MCH of a chip set i875P
Fig. 6. Structure of motherboards Gigabyte GA-8KNXP and Gigabyte GA-8IK1100, linked to chip ICH5R of a chip set i875P
Nevertheless, motherboard Gigabyte GA-8IK1100, as well as its more powerful prototype, is oriented to application in high-powered systems. Therefore in the systems created on the basis of the given card, usage of processors of Intel of Pentium 4 with processing technique Hyper-Threading and the bus of 800 MHz providing reaching of a maximum level of productivity is recommended . However usage and less efficient models is possible. It can be, for example, the processors calculated for the bus of 533 MHz and even of 400 MHz. Thus together with motherboard Gigabyte GA-8IK1100 created on a basis чипсетаIntel Вi875PBZ, application of models and without support of processing technique Hyper-Threading is possible. However together with this card can be maintained and models of processors Celeron though, it is necessary to recognise, that it does not provide the high levels of the productivity accessible to more efficient variants of processors and the given motherboard.
The functional mode of memory modules DDR SDRAM can be as one-channel (3,2 Gbytes/c), and two-channel (6,4 Gbytes/c). The two-channel mode allows to receive completely depthbalanced system in the event that pass-bands of the processor bus and the memory bus coincide and make equal values — 6,4 Gbytes/with. Thus operation of memory modules DDR SDRAM can be or synchronous — clock rate coincides with frequency FSB, or asynchronous — clock rate differs from frequency FSB. It is set in BIOS Setup — SDRAM Frequency.
The built in resources of the motherboard allow to change a standard set tajmingov.
In case of a synchronous mode for frequency of the bus of 800 MHz and memory modules DDR400 usage of the mode providing raised productivity of a subsystem of memory is possible. This processing technique realised in all products, created on a basis i875P, carries the name “PAT” (Performance Acceleration Technology). The idea laying in its basis, consists in an expedition of passing of data through MCH at the expense of refusal superfluous in this case synchronisations. Thus will not be involved superfluous sinhronizatsionnye bufery in a chip set, and data are handled directly. By estimations of experts of Intel, the reached scoring makes 2-5 %.
Fig. 7. Chip MCH of a chip set i875P with cooling resources
Cредствами a chip set the mode of Intel RAID 0 (only for the operating system of Windows XP) is supported . It is realised by means of two ports Serial ATA 150.
The network controller of Intel Kinnereth-R LAN PHY is built in the motherboard architecture 10/100 Mbit/with. The given integrated network tools allow to include easily the computer through built in RJ-45 plug in local area network structure.
By the way, it is necessary to pay attention to the circuit presented on fig. 6. This circuit is resulted in Gigabyte corporation order bookings. On this circuit more powerful variant of the card of Intel 82547EI (KENAI II CSA), providing implementation Gigabit Ethernet, is hooked up not by means of the interface of Intel Communication Streaming Architecture to hub MCH, and to bus PCI. It is doubtful, that engineers Gigabyte have refused the recommended solution and have offered the worst variant. Possibly, it is an error in the documentation. However it does not concern Gigabyte GA-8IK1100 architectures.
From remarkable features of the architecture of motherboard Gigabyte GA-8IK1100 it is necessary to mark firm processing technique Dual BIOS.
Fig. 8. Two chips BIOS (Dual BIOS)
Certainly, it is possible to call in question expediency of solution Dual BIOS. It is called by development of the processing techniques linked to upgrade of program codes BIOS. The solutions offered the last years, considerably raise dependability of the given procedure, reducing to a minimum risk of corrupting of system. However, it is necessary to recognise, that processing technique Dual BIOS raises confidence at carrying out of operations on upgrade of code BIOS. Especially it concerns the novice users who are not possessing a due skill level.
Rise of dependability and stability of operation is promoted by implementation of the hardware monitoring providing the control over supply voltages and operation of cooling fans. This possibility simplifies the control in case of usage of modes of dispersal.
One more feature of Gigabyte GA-8IK1100 architecture — usage of three-channel variant VRM though many manufacturers of motherboards use already fourline solutions. Nevertheless, testing has shown high stability of operation of the card.
Fig. 9. Three-channel VRM motherboard
Gigabyte GA-8IK1100 Two chips BIOS (Dual BIOS)
Estimating operation parametres of the described motherboard, it is necessary to mark, that at performance of numerous, durable tests card Gigabyte GA-8IK1100 worked steadily.
In testing following components used:
- Motherboard Gigabyte GA-8IK1100 (a chip set i875P),
- The processor of Intel of Pentium 4 (Socket 478, 512 Kbytes of cache memory L2, 200 MHz FSB of type QPB) with clock rate 2,4 GHz,
- Abit Siluro GeForce4 Ti4200 OTES videoadapter (64 Mb DDR SDRAM, CPU Core — 257 MHz, memory — 550 MHz),
- Dynamic storage Hynix PC3200 (DDR400) 1 Gbyte (2х512 Mb),
- IBM hard disk 180GXP 120 Gbytes (2 Mb of the cache memory, 7200 rpm),
- OS OF WINDOWS XP Professional.
Results of testing
Tests |
Results |
3DMark 2001 SE Pro |
12380 |
PCMark2002 CPU |
5750 |
PCMark2002 Mem |
7320 |
The card can be recommended a wide range of users.
It is published in log "the Express train Electronics"
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