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All in one

Evgenie Rudometov

Raising attractiveness of the products, many companies realise the concept all-in-one, that allows to hold comprehensible level of cost-efficiency and competitiveness in the conditions of a hard competition

According to changes occurring in a society widely used term «scientific and technical revolution» practically there is has lost the role in an explanation of developments of a civilisation. Nevertheless, this circumstance actually was not mirrored in any way in economic where the increasing value is played by the high technologies fulfilling a role of original catalysts of many revolutionary changes in a life of the developed countries.

High technologies, as is known, are the necessary factor of release of the high technology products. The demand in the market of such products provides high level of incomes of the corporations participating in their production. It leads to the hard competition forcing not only intensively to work, but also to reduce the prices for production.

And here quite often there are curious situations. The matter is that many prices become so low, that there are questions of support of cost-efficiency. Really, if the difficult product, for example, any player costs $50, how many it is necessary to release them to pay both development, and production taking into account expenditures on accessories, rent of the earth and premises, taxes, the salary of workers, the director, wholesalers, sellers Etc. certainly, it is possible to release one million pieces (and it is better than ten millions), but where them after that to put: such party of the same products of type of radio receivers, players, tape recorders, etc. certainly while there are countries with a life low level will be hardly demanded it is possible to save on expenditures, but this resource is not infinite.

One of possible solutions is release of multifunctional products. Attractiveness of such products appears high as the price of multifunctional products, as a matter of fact, can be divided between the arrangements integrated into them. This circumstance opens possibility to hold retail prices at comprehensible level without their disastrous falling. Understanding perspectivity of such direction, on this path many corporations linked to production of electronic products have gone.

By way of illustration it is possible to result modern digital audioplayers. Today many models which have saved in the course of the evolution from a traditional magnetic medium and appropriate mechanisms, provide not only sound playback, but also its writing. Moreover, the considerable part from such arrangements is supplied also by radio tuners.

And some manufacturers have gone further away, having supplied the models the special slots giving the extension of an accessible information field by usage vysokoemkih of flesh-maps. Their change allows to change a content even in the conditions of inaccessibility of computers.

As an example of similar solutions it is possible to result company Micro-Star International audioplayers (MSI). The main functionality of models MSIMEGA PLAYR 533 Lite and MSIMEGA PLAYR 522BT has been rather recently considered on pages of the given issuing.

Estimating advantages of the specified arrangements, it is necessary to remind, that MSIMEGA PLAYR 533 Lite is low model of MSIMEGA PLAYR 533 set. But even the high model of the given set supplied and a FM-radio receiver, and the Zhk-panel, capable not only to play back, but also to write the audioinformation, is characterised by quite democratic price which is in a band $40-50. Low and that it is less — $20-30. But the most interesting is that all models of the named set are supplied by SD slot under appropriate cards of the flash-memory. It allows not only to expand an accessible memory size, but also to apply the specified models as USB-disk drives. Besides, presence of the given slot allows to use the given models as very compact maps-readers SD. It is necessary to remind the price of similar arrangements which usually exceeds $10. Here this value can be subtracted safely at an audioplayer estimation, and after all remains also UsB-flesh. Thus, despite simplified construction MSIMEGA PLAYR 533 Lite, we have, at least, three arrangements in one. Also it is all for $20-30, as explains popularity of the given model.

Similarly the situation is and MSIMEGA PLAYR 522BT. Only unlike MSIMEGA PLAYR 533 Lite the given model is supplied by the complete set of the functionality in addition expanded also built in resources of radio interface Bluetooth. Presence of the given interface providing wireless data transfer in a band of 2,4 GHz, gives possibility, for example, to inspect mobile phone operation, not coming off from an audioplayer. And it is finite, the given model, as well as mentioned MSIMEGA PLAYR 533 Lite, also is supplied by SD slot, expanding possibilities on storage of an audiocontent at the expense of application of cards of the flash-memory of standard SD. Besides, it is necessary to mark, that presence of the given resources allows to use MSIMEGA PLAYR 522BT not only on its direct assignment, but also as the USB-disk drive, and also as compact maps-readers. And it means, that the concept also has found in the given model the incarnation all-in-one.

Rice 1. Models of audioplayers MSI MEGA PLAYR 533 Lite and MSI MEGA PLAYR 522BT

"Having run" on audioarrangements, it is necessary to recollect and video world. Here too more and more type arrangements all-in-one. As an example it is possible to result popular models MEGA VIEW.

Rice 2. Player MSI MEGA VIEW 566

The given arrangements which are, as a matter of fact, compact multifunctional combines, allow not only to play back audio and a video information, but also to write it to the built in hard disk rather a high capacity.

As additional, a bonus it is possible to consider presence FM of a radio receiver with possibility of writing of favourite transmissions. Besides, there is a dictophone with the built in microphone for writing of lectures, interview and oral notices, and also the built in subsystems of audio/videorecording for copying of films from traditional sources. The videorecorder, CD/DVD-player or a videocamera can be them, for example.

However multimedjnymi functions do not limit possibilities of similar arrangements. SD slot presence in high models, for example, MEGAVIEW 566, raises level of compatibility with other arrangements in which quality audioplayers, digital cameras, etc. can appear. Still the big possibilities are given by presence of the built in hard disk.

Rice 3. Parametres of a hard disk of player MSI MEGA VIEW 566

It opens new horizons of application of similar arrangements. Really, audio/videoplayers of bar MEGAVIEW can be used successfully as transportable disk drives for resocks and storages of the various computer information as port USB already is present at a construction. High-speed parametres of such transportable disk drives show the numerical estimations received in the course of testing and resulted more low.

Table 1. Results of test WinBench 99

Disk Access Time


Disk Transfer Rate:Beginning


Disk Transfer Rate:End


Fig. 4. Results of test DiskTransfer Rate

As follows from the resulted results, arrangements MSI MEGA VIEW can be used successfully as transportable disk drives that is useful addition in a wide set of functions of the given arrangements.

In summary remains, as well as earlier with audioplayers, to recollect the price characteristic of resulted multimedia combines MSI MEGA VIEW. Certainly, level $300-600, characteristic for these arrangements, is not always perceived easily by some potential users. However it is necessary to remind, that it is a question all the same of multifunctional products. It means, that their number considerable enough is necessary to divide the price between all integrated arrangements, and. Here both the audio and video players, the tape recorders, capable to write the information from analogue devices, a FM-tuner, a picture album of digital photos, a dictophone, well and is finite, compact transportable disk drives. By the way, the price of firm transportable disk drives is high enough and quite often makes hundreds dollars. Considering all it, the price not seems high any more, and someone can estimate its and the lowest. It is necessary to recollect, that all it is reached thanks to concept implementation all-in-one, raising attractiveness of products and cost-efficiency of production of hi-tech products holding level at comprehensible level.

Models of players MEGA PLAYER 533 Lite, MEGA PLAYER 522BT, MSI MEGA VIEW 561 and MSI MEGA VIEW 566 have been given by the Moscow representation of company Micro-Star International

Article is published in log the Computer the Price (Computer Price).

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