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Classification, imenovanie and short parametres of processorsAttempt of classification and decryption of firm (trade marks) and code names of processors, and also their kernels with coercion of short characteristics is more low presented. As a basis article with addition of the substances published on sites and in the firm documentation of manufacturers is used. In the resulted data separate inaccuracies which will be considered and corrected in the future versions of this and similar articles can contain. Intel
Pentium – the first processors of P5 set (March, 1993). Then Intel not to repeat an error with i486 (the court has rejected the claim to AMD concerning the name), has decided to name the product which became subsequently nominal. Pentium first generation carried code name P5, and also i80501, the supply voltage was 5 In, layout Development of this set became P54, it i80502, the kernel supply voltage has been lowered with 5 In to 3,3 In, layout
Pentiums MMX (P55, January, 1997) became following processors of the corporation of Intel. The new set from 57 MMX commands was added.
Tillamook – the code name of a kernel of processors of Pentiums created in January, 1997 Are intended for application in laptops.
Pentium Pro – the first processors of the sixth generation released in November, 1995 For the first time cache memory L2 banked in one tank with a kernel and working on frequency of a kernel of the processor is applied. Processors had very high cost price of manufacture. 0,50 microns, and then on 0,35 microns that has allowed to increase size of cache memory L2 with 256 to 512, 1024 and 2048 Kbytes were released at first on processing technique. Clock rate
Pentiums II/III – P6/6x86 set, the first representatives have appeared in May, 1997 the Set of these processors banks under the common name the processors intended for different segments of the market: Pentium II (Klamath, Deschutes, Klamath – the name of a kernel of the first processors of the bar of Pentium II (January, 1997). Deschutes – the kernel name (January, 1998) processors of the bar of Pentium II which have replaced Klamath. Tonga – one of code names of transportable processors
Katmai – the kernel name (September, 1999) processors of Pentium III which have come in the stead Deschutes. Block SSE is added (Streaming SIMD Extensions), is expanded instruction set MMX, is improved the mechanism of stream memory access.
Celeron – the set of the processors oriented to the mass market of inexpensive computers. This set includes the models created on the basis of Covington architectures, Mendocino, Dixon, Coppermine. For the first time have appeared in April, 1998. Were released in the beginning for Slot 1,
Covington – the first variants of processors (April, 1998) bars Celeron. Are constructed on kernel Deschutes.
Mendocino – the kernel name (August, 1998) bar Celeron processors. Has cache memory L2 in size of 128 Kbytes, integrated into a chip of the processor and working on frequency of a kernel thanks to what high efficiency is provided. Clock rate
Dixon – the kernel name, and also a code name of the processors oriented to application in laptops. Coppermine – the name of a kernel of processors of Pentium III and Celeron.
Coppermine T – the name of a kernel of processors of Pentium III and Celeron. Is a transitive step from Coppermine architecture kernel to Tualatin architecture kernel. It is created on processing technique 0,18 microns. It is oriented to operation with the chip sets supporting processors with kernel Tualatin.
Tualatin-256K – The code name of a kernel and processors Socket 370 Pentiums III made on 0,13 microns tehprotsessu. These are last Pentiums III. Differ from Coppermine more perfect architecture and the "know-how". Are characterised by a reduced voltage of power supply and smaller energopotrebleniem. The Operating frequency of models for Desktop with FSB
Tualatin-512K – The code name of a kernel and processors. Contains kernel Tualatin, but has 512 Kbytes of cache memory L2. Processors are intended only for the transportable arrangements, appropriate versions for Desktop are not planned not to compete to Pentium 4. In the architecture of the processors created on the basis of kernel Tualatin-512K, support of processing techniques energosberezhenija is carried out. Standard power
Tualatin-512K DP – the code name of a kernel and processors for servers and workstations. Release of the first models with an operating frequency of 1,13 GHz and 1,26 GHz is planned on second half of 2001
Pentium III-M – the transportable processors of a new generation made with usage of a 0,13-micron procedure. Have new controls energopotrebleniem SpeedStep, Deeper Sleep, etc. Standard power Pentium III-S – processors with kernel Tualatin,
Timna – the code name of the processors created on the basis of kernel Coppermine with cache memory L2 of 128 Kbytes, integrated on the chip a graphics kernel and the dynamic storage controller. Are oriented on supercheap PC and teleprefixes. Release is excellent the corporation of Intel owing to hopelessness of a product.
Banias – the code name of the processors, which architecture it is similar with Timna. The computing kernel of the processor, a graphics kernel, and also northern bridge of a chip set are integrated Into the chip. Unlike Timna support RDRAM is not provided. It is supposed, that except the version with standard power supply variants Low Voltage and Ultra Low Voltage will be released. Development of project Banias is carried on in Israeli Intel Israel Design Center, the beginning of mass production of the processor is planned on the end of 2002 – the beginning of 2003. The updated architecture of Pentium III is put in a basis of a kernel of new processor Banias, but without the hyperpipeline organisation inherent in processors of Pentium 4. Processors Banias will be released in the modifications inherent in present classes of transportable processors from Intel, namely Pentium III/Low-Voltage Pentium III/Ultra-Low-Voltage Pentium III. The special processing technique of intraprocessor interconnections MicroOps Fusion is developed For reduction of energy consumed by the processor. The first chips will have clock rate since that on which, most likely, will stop transportable Tualatin-M - 1,4 GHz. However, the economic processor will find a place and in servers where the problem of consumption of energy and a heat release also takes not the last place. As project head Banias has underlined, before the command is put three overall objectives: reduction of the sizes of transistors for lowering of consumed energy, development of effective processing technique of rise clock frequency without essential increase in consumed energy, development of effective processing technique of operation with commands of the processor.
Xeon – the official name of the bar of the processors oriented to usage as a part of powerful servers and workstations. The first variants have been constructed on kernel Deschutes. Are changeover of processors of Pentium Pro. In the course of processing technique perfection release of different models of processors of Intel of Pentium III Xeon on the basis of kernel Coppermine with step-by-step transition to Tualatin architecture is carried out. The first models on Tualatin architecture: Intel of Pentium III Xeon DP ( Server variants of the processors constructed on the basis of the architecture of Pentium 4 with kernel Foster, have received the name of Intel Xeon. The first representatives of these processors have working frequency 1,7 GHz and are calculated for Socket 603 plug usage. Originally are intended for workstations of the higher and middle class with support of dual-processor patterns. Support of operation of Intel Xeon is carried out by a chip set i860, which price considerably above the price i850, Pentium used together with processors 4.
Tanner – the code name of Pentium III Xeon. It is intended, first of all, for High-End servers. Clock rate from 500 MHz, frequency of the system bus of 100 MHz, the CSRAM-L2 cache in size 512, 1024 and 2048 Kbytes works on frequency of the processor. Cache memory
Cascades – the code name of Pentium III Xeon, 0,18 microns created on the basis of a procedure. Is server variant Coppermine. On the chip cache memory L2 of 256 Kbytes, clock rate from 600 MHz, frequency of the bus
Pentium 4 – the following after Coppermine essentially new IA-32 processors of Intel for usual PC. Instead of traditional GTL + and AGTL + the new system bus Quad Pumped of 100 MHz providing data transfer with frequency of 400 MHz and transmission of addresses with frequency of 200 MHz uses. Cache memory Willamette – the name of the first kernel of processors of Pentiums 4 created on processing technique of 0,18 microns.
Northwood – the name of a kernel of processors of Pentiums 4 created on processing technique of 0,13 microns. To implantation of this kernel there is a transition to new form factor Socket 478. The cache memory size is increased to 512 Kbytes. This processor should become the main in Intel assortment for long time, having replaced on this post bar Katmai/Coppermine. Initial clock rate
Foster – the code name of a kernel and processors of Pentium 4 in the server variant, constructed on ideology and Willamette architecture. Clock rate
Prestonia – the code name of a kernel and processors of Pentium 4 in the server variant, 0,13 microns created on processing technique. Bar Xeon continuation. Microarchitecture NetBurst. Development is carried on on the basis of kernel Foster which will be substituted by this new kernel in future processors Xeon. The basis of systems will be made by special chip set Plumas. Release is planned on first half of 2002. Frequency of the first models Gallatin – the code name of a kernel and processors,
Merced – the code name of a kernel and the first processor of IA-64 architecture, is hardware is compatible to IA-32 architecture. Includes the three-level cache memory in size of 2-4 Mb. Productivity approximately three times above, than for Tanner.
Itanium – the trade mark under which the 64-bit processor earlier known under code name Merced is announced.
McKinley – the code name of a kernel and models of the second generation of processors of IA-64 architecture. Clock rate of a kernel of processors starts about 1 GHz. Productivity, in comparison with Merced Is supposed, that, capacity of the data bus having resultant frequency
Madison – successor McKinley. It is planned to an output in 2002-2003 It is constructed on copper, 0,13 microns of processing technique.
Deerfield – the code name of a kernel and processors. The output is expected in 2003. Will be made on copper, 0,13 or 0,1 microns of processing technique of Motorola with usage of isolation with low number k and SOI (HiP7). The kernel is successor Foster. Processors are calculated on Slot M and taken up a position as inexpensive processors of IA-64 architecture for workstations and average level servers. Probably, the processors created on the basis of kernel Deerfield, become high-end processors of the user's market. |
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