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IDF Spring 2002
Evgenie Rudometov.
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In the processor of Intel of Pentium 4 - M the number of processing techniques providing lowering energopotreblenija and reduction of dimensions of transportable arrangements is realised. The basis was made by processing technique Enhanced SpeedStep and mode Deeper Sleep.
Banias – such is the code name of the architecture of following generation of processors of Intel for transportable computers. It will include the mentioned processing techniques and a number of other innovative developments created specially for transportable arrangements. Production with Banias architecture will appear on sale in first half of 2003.
In a basis of this production chips of essentially new architecture, including chip sets will lay down. CHandraseher the working sample of the chipset created for the transportable market under code name Odem which will be presented together with the processor on the basis of Banias architecture has shown.
In addition to told above spring forum IDF was marked by demonstrating of the first serial samples, announcements of production and representation of the certificated arrangements testifying to wide branch support of high-speed bus Universal Serial Bus 2.0 — USB 2.0.
Bus USB 2.0 which committee USB-IF advances on the market under name Hi-Speed USB 2.0, allows to increase speed of hooking up of peripheral devices to computers with 12 Mbit/with which were provided with bus USB 1.1, to more than 480 Mbit/with, that is speed increases in 40 times. Such growth of capacity allows to accelerate operation of peripheral devices considerably.
Intel corporation plans to release the chipset with built in support USB 2.0. Appearance of computers on the basis of this chipset in the market is expected already in the second quarter 2002 In January of this year of Intel has released two system boards for the desktop computers, supporting to five ports USB 2.0.
The corporation does not leave the attention and interface standard Serial ATA. It is declared creation of initiative group on development specifications Serial ATA II, called to expand function of nowadays existing serial interface ATA at the expense of support of servers and the storage devices banked in a network, and also high-speed signal lines of the second generation.
Development of specification Serial ATA II will transit in two stages. Thus end of a technical substantiation of support functions of servers and network storage devices is planned on second half of current year with release of first production next year, and development of a high-speed signal line — on the second half of the year 2003 with release of first production in second half of 2004
Among new gigabitnoj to production of standard Ethernet on one chip has been presented first-ever gigabitnyj the Ethernet-controller for desktop PCs. The novelty will allow to lower the cost price of multiplexing of the PC in gigabitnye networks of standard Ethernet on 25 %.
According to analytical company Dell'Oro Group, the size of the market of solutions for hooking up to networks of standard Gigabit Ethernet for the fourth quarter 2001 has increased by 30 %.
Did not remain on IDF Spring 2002 without attention and Moore's known law.
Intel corporation extends this law to new processing techniques and application spheres.
The main technical director of corporation Patrick Gelsinger (Patrick Gelsinger, Vice President, Chief Technology Officer, Intel Corporation) has underlined, that Moore's law remains the engine of the accelerated development of solid-state technologies throughout long decades. Moreover, its operation will be beyond the digital equipment, having extended on such new areas, as wireless, optical and touch arrangements.
Patrick Gelsinger has told about researches of Intel in the field of electromechanical microsystems (MEMS), semiconducting radio and the intellectual software of the roaming, routed on a wireless communication wide circulation.
In the course of the performance it has in detail stopped on development of the wireless multinodal touch networks capable to independent automatic creation and customisation as required. Implementation of this processing technique will allow to develop a network inexpensive, but thus rather difficult semiconducting touch arrangements which can independently establish connection with each other, reporting about those or other changes in environing conditions.
Having concerned researches in such area as poluprovodnikovo-fiber glass optics, Patrick Gelsinger has told about intention of corporation of Intel to apply Moore's law to creation vysokointegrirovannyh the components banking in a uniform chip of function of digital logic circuits and semiconducting optoelektronnyh of arrangements. Researches in this direction are routed on the extension of sphere of distribution of high-speed communications simultaneously with reduction in price of the fiber optic hooking up which cost can fall a hundred times.
It can change all radically not only highly technological industries, but to some extent a mentality of potential users and their representation about possibilities of a computer technology and electronics.
About предcтавительности a forum the extensive list of sponsors in which well-known names of corporations are widely presented testifies also. It, for example, IBM, Analog Devices, ARM, ATI Technologies, Compaq Computer Corporation, Hewlett-Packard Company, Microsoft Corporation, Rambus and others. In total in the list appears more than two tens names.
Products of these corporations have been widely presented on transiting within the limits of IDF to an exhibition.
It is necessary to mark, that within the limits of rather small article, there is no possibility completely to describe all processing techniques and the products presented on IDF Spring 2002, representing results of work of thousand of highly skilled engineers, using in the operation of reaching of all branch.
In the course of operation on IDF Spring 2002 some tens digital and traditional pictures, about 10 hours of videorecordings per standard MiniDV, some kilogramme of the documentation have been made. All it becomes a basis of following publications.
In article substances IDF Spring 2002 and documents of the corporation of Intel have been used.
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