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Back in the future (on substances IDF)

Evgenie Rudometov
Victor Rudometov

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But also these very high frequencies any more do not call enthusiastic trembling in the experts who have created teragertsovyj the transistor. Without exaggeration very important for further development of the architecture of the future processors circumstance Patrick Gelsinger should mark it in the performance: «the Most difficult was to make these small switches which it is less and faster. We consider this transistor as absolutely new fundamental architecture. And we will expand this direction in the following of 10 years and further».

The following step in reaching of new boundaries of productivity is a perfection konstruktiva tanks (package). On change FC-PGA implementators of Intel have created BBUL (Bumpless Build-Up Layer).

New konstruktiv will allow to raise speed of operation of processors several times (approximately in 5 times). In data konstruktive the chip instead of was on a tank surface, is shipped in tank. It has allowed to improve inductivity and size metrics and as a whole it is essential to raise frequency, and, therefore, and productivity.

Besides, experts of Intel have made some fundamental reachings in the field of lithograph. It concerns programs EUVL — Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography. Production is planned on second half of decade. And, as Patrick Gelsinger has underlined, it is supposed to advance processing technique and further, even after the lapse of 2010.

However rise of operating frequencies and quantity of transistors of processor chips generates one more extremely important problem. It is linked to growth energopotreblenija, and, therefore, and teploobrazovanija, that complicates a problem of maintenance of an optimum behaviour of operation of processors.

Considering importance of a problem teploobrazovanija modern and future processors it is expedient to give of a word of the lecturer. Making comments on the specified problem Patrick Gelsinger has told the following. «We foretell, that next 10 years first of all we will be limited by such parametre, as power (power). In 2010 we plan the processor with frequency of 30 GHz, with 10 billion transistors, the processing technique of 20 nanometers or is even less. All it will bring simply amazing high-speed performance. But it is necessary to recollect, that we very smoothly moved from 1 W to 10 W, then from 10 to 100 W. And we on path from 100 W to 1000 W. And for 1000 goes 10000. Exponential growth which perfectly well works both for and against consists In it.

It is even more difficult, when such power is necessary on very small square when it is a question of power density. Drawing some analogies if in the late eighties it there was simply hot plate in the middle of the future decade it is a nuclear reactor, in the end it already the rocket nozzle, and in the long term is the Sun surface. It is ridiculous, after all people will not carry a nozzle of a rocket or a nuclear reactor in the portable PCs. Therefore we pay the big attention to such important parametre of future and already modern transistors, as their power ».

There is no doubt, that all problems arising in engineering process of new products, will be successfully solved.

Moore's law extends ("Moore's Law is Expanding"). It means, that formulated earlier as the prediction of regular doubling of transistors, this law step-by-step extends and on other units of difficult electronic circuits.

There are absolutely new multifunctional arrangements which include not only transistors, but also and absolutely new structures which were unavailable earlier.

It covers, for example, logical, optical, wireless structures, memory, sensors and converters, and also mechanical units and processing techniques. Probably, it is necessary to include biological and liquid structures in this number.

Thanks to the specified units and processing techniques scientists and engineers can essentially expand functionality of the future arrangements.

As an example in Patrick Gelsingera's performance a number of the newest processing techniques has been considered and some of already created products are resulted.

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