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Evgenie Rudometov
Victor Rudometov
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Sensor Network
The processing technique was presented by David Guller (Dr. David Culler, Director, Intel Research, University of California at Berkeley). It carries on a direction, concerning extremal networks: very small size of arrangements and very big scales of a network, and also their difficult patterns.
The new processing technique allows to extend computers and their interconnection in space. After the layout analysis in space there is an optimum interconnection. Thus in attention the distance, energopotreblenie and other characteristics of operation is taken. The network itself adapts to possible change of parametres, dynamically reconfiguring itself entirely for very small time.

Optical networks (Silicon Photonics)
Optical communications are arranged in the most common case as follows. The light source (laser) and the modulator of a signal is necessary for signal sending, and also the photofilter and the diode for signal reception. Such system should be customised on a certain wavelength. At such architecture rather easily it is possible to reach speed approximately 50 Gbit/with.
The information transfer which is carried out by means of light, is fulfilled usually through volokonnooptichesky a cable. The main advantage of such cable consists that now it is possible to handle light to very big distances, practically, without essential losses in power of a signal. One more advantage consists in possibility of transmission at once several (tens or even hundreds) signals with different lengths of waves through a unique fiber optic cable. For implementation of this possibility as a part of such systems of data transfer the transceivers customised on certain waves of optical signals use.
Thus the different lasers which emanation occurs on the fixed frequencies now use.
In systems of following generation already same lasers use, change of which frequency of emanation is carried out by individual customisation of each of them.
The resulted systems are rather difficult also roads. Solution of these problems is multiplexing of the big number of accessories in one simple arrangement constructed on a small number of chips. It is possible thanks to the modern silicon and other reachings used in Silicon Photonics.
Advantages of this method — simplicity of a construction, cheapness, and also easy customisation, probably, even remote.
As the proof of possibility of implementation of the specified schedules resources of existing processing techniques in the course of Patrick Gelsingera's performance had been presented examples of the newest arrangements.

In the course of the report the system from two such transmitters and receivers has been presented, and also the system adjustability is shown.
For this purpose it has been used specialised GUI. For few seconds the system has been customised. With existing arrangements it occupies much more time.

Wide usage of processing technique Radio Free Intel as its implementators calculate, radically will change a life. Even daily arrangements will gain the new value, new functionality.
Computers will inspect various home arrangements of the house, will give possibility of automatic and automanual handle of them, including even the remote control, for example, from the car or office.
Already in the near future there is a reality the miniature mobile phone which sizes it is no more, than, for example, an ear ring. And the radiomicrophone in the form of a button? For such microphone not only the sizes, but also cost will correspond to the specified attribute of clothes.

As an example of implementation of similar developments, it is possible to imagine a "clever" farm in which each plant will be equipped by an appropriate sensor control. Each plant will receive certain fertilizer and having watered in those sizes in which it is necessary for optimisation of its growth. For one more example "clever" sensors of the control of palpitation and temperature which if necessary will handle the information in the computer or to other arrangements can be.
The purpose of the experts who are engaged in development of new processing techniques and products to give all specified possibilities which implementation is carried out according to Moore's law.
In article substances IDF Spring 2002 and documents of the corporation of Intel have been used.
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