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Intel Developer Forum 2003 Fall
Victor Rudometov.
From September, 16 till September, 18th, 2003 in San Jose (California, the USA) will take place Intel Developer Forum (IDF) - the largest international developer forum hardware and the software.

Forum IDF (further Intel Forum) is spent some times in a year in the leading countries of the world. It is the largest action for implementators of hardware and the software. Intel forum became already, somewhat, a necessary stage of development of branch of high technologies. The majority
novatsionnyh the processing techniques, practically all products of the future are announced here. The largest experts of branch mention perspective directions, and also possibilities of existing and future directions are parsed.

Intel forum is led twice in a year - in the spring and in the autumn. It is led in the form of visiting sessions in the different countries. The largest them them is led traditionally in the State of California in the USA. By the way, one of such actions was led by autumn of 2002 in Moscow. In the autumn of 2003 IDF again will visit capital of Russia within 2 days.

It is natural, that representatives of the press cannot ignore so grandiose event, journalists come from all countries of the world. From Russia on a forum there has arrived the whole group of journalists as a part of 13 persons. However as trip it to name difficultly - is faster, expedition. After all flight from Moscow to New York occupies more than 9 hours, and then even 6 hours to San Francisco. And all is good, but in NY it was necessary to be delayed a little - a fault in the plane, at activation of engines in compartment
nichinal to blink light. Experts-repairmen should give due, have consulted for pair hours.

Fig. 1. Sort on San Jose Convention Center where transits IDF

Fig. 2. A greeting at an input terminal

Formally IDF in the Dignity-hose will start only tomorrow, on September, 16th (the author of article "lives" now on Californian time, therefore you can observe
nestykovki in dates, a comment

However today some reports for
prestavitelej the press have been led. The novelties and outlooks the famous representatives of department R&D (stated Intel Research and Development - researches and developments).

As the first has appeared Steve Pawlowski which has presented novelties of network wireless processing techniques. Such techniques as UWB - Ultra-Wide Bandwidth, CMOS-processing techniques and others have been in more details considered.

The following report which has told Roy Want, was simply shaking. It announced processing technique which has not been sounded earlier yet. Namely, Personal Server - a personal server. The problem of portable arrangements consists that the notebook is still too great, heavy, and the person would not like to carry it everywhere. As to so-called
naladonnikov (Hand-Help devices) they are too small for comfortable and high-grade operation.

Fig. 3. Necessity of the extension of a platform of transportable solutions

In this connection it is offered to create the arrangement possessing following characteristics:

Mobility (is located in a pocket);

Great volume of the nonvolatile memory;

Possibility of wireless access to every possible arrangements (to computers, PDA, etc.)

For reaching of the first has been decided to refuse the keyboard and even the display.

In connection with the common tendencies in increase in the memory size, the second item is quite accessible. For an example following analogies have been presented:

For writing of all audioinformation received by the person on a course of all his life, only 3 Terabyte Th the carrier (if to consider, that on the average life expectancy - 80 years, and its active phase makes 16 hours per day) is required. At existing rates of the growth, appropriate carriers will be already accessible in 2012. And for video writing it is required already in 30 times more, however and this threshold will be
perejden in 2017. To believe in it, as well as to present, it is very difficult - the small arrangement will be capable to write all events accompanying a human life...

Fig. 4. Vozmozhosti developments of the industry of repositories

As to wireless access it already a reality, appropriate arrangements not only are accessible, but also widely use.

It is supposed, that by means of such personal server any computer, any handheld computer becomes suitable for personal operation. For example, in trip there is no sense to take a notebook after all accessible to operation the computer will be at station, in a train, in hotel. In a train the user can listen to the own music stored on a personal server in a pocket. The personal schedule can be synchronised by means of the display at the airport. Examples there can be a weight, but the principle is uniform. The plenty asserts, that in due course the appropriate infrastructure will be prepared.

In summary the lecturer has presented operation of a prototype of the given arrangement. Naturally, in the future it will be more powerful, but that the prototype already is is impresses.

Fig. 5. Representation of the new arrangement

Fig. 6. The admired journalists try to see the new arrangement more close

Fig. 7. A working prototype of a personal server

The last lecturer was Patric Gelsinger. Because it still will appear with the key report before all numerous audience IDF, it answered questions of the gathered journalists. As always it was very interesting to listen to the vice-president and the main technical director of corporation of Intel.

Fig. 8. Artistic Patrick Gelsinger answers press questions

Talk basically went about
nanotehnologijah, the future processors, current vision of the future by Intel corporation. In more details about all it, it would be desirable
nadejatsja, he will tell on Thursday on the key report.

On it today's presentations were completed, and all with impatience wait for tomorrow, and the others too. Key reports this week will lead:

Paul Otellini, will tell about the common tendencies of the market and about its future;

Louis Burns, will tell about the concept of the digital house;

Anand Chandrasekher and Ronald Smith, will light us in news of the transportable world;

Sandra Morris and Mike Fister, server processing techniques and novelties;

Eric Mentzer, network infrastructures;

Patrick Gelsinger, the report on researches and developments.

In addition to key reports within the limits of IDF will transit set of classes on which appropriate products and processing techniques will be considered even more in detail.

Whenever possible, all enumerated events will be shined on site pages.
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