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IDF Fall 2002, Moscow

Evgenie Rudometov
Victor Rudometov

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By the way, it is necessary to mark, that in June, 2000 the head of corporation of Intel doctor Krejg Barrett has been awarded ranks of the honourable professor of the Moscow State University. The university academic council has assigned to it this rank "as a sign of a recognition of its outstanding merits in business of development computer and Internet processing techniques, and also that role which doctor Barrett plays hardening of the international cooperation in a sphere of education". And in October, 2001, as a sign of a recognition of the contribution of the company of Intel in science and education of Russia, the president of the Russian representation of Intel Steve Chejz (Steve Chase) and the manager of the academic program of Intel in Eastern Europe Kamil Isaev have been awarded by a medal of a name of academician A.N.Tihonova - the honourable award of faculty of calculus mathematics and cybernetics of the Moscow state university of a name of M.V.Lomonosova.

In the performance Krejg Barrett has called the government, leaders of business and processing techniques of Russia to create and insert processing techniques of a new generation for support of competitiveness of the country in the world market. Appearing at the Forum of Intel for implementators in Moscow before an audience from approximately 800 persons, Barrett has outlined the future of digital processing techniques and has urged Russia to keep development of computer and telecommunication branches of economy with accent on processing technique of following generation.

"The modern economy depends on information technologies more and more, - Barrett has marked. – Russia, from it fast an emerging market of processing techniques and an abundance of technical talents, has all premises to become the leader of world branch of high technologies. Growth of information technologies in the world market gives Russia considerable possibilities for creation of new workstations and new production, and also for the export extension".

"The Russian leaders should support growth of processing techniques, pursuing a policy which would induce business to put resources in the country future, - Barrett has told. – Russia all turns to key centre of software engineering with considerable potential for growth at the expense of export of the equipment, knowledge and experience in area of informational and communication processing techniques" more clearly.

In the performance Barrett also has called for upgrade of a telecommunication infrastructure of Russia and universal implantation of wireless broad-band access

The next three-five years we will continue to put resources in development of the Russian branch of information technologies and we will expand staff of our employees who are engaged in software engineering in Russia, to thousand persons ".

Performance of the chief executive of corporation of Intel was accompanied by numerous demonstratings of the hardware-software products developed by corporation of Intel.

And there was still a performance of the head of the Russian representation of corporation of Microsoft of Olga Dergunovoj both the interesting and informative report of the high vice-president, the head of division Enterprise Platforms Group of corporation of Intel Mike Fistera.


Further visitors were divided into streams in directions: a hardware, the software, communication processing techniques and microcontrollers, etc.

In more details results of a forum will be shined in log "Terabyte" future issues.

In article substances IDF Fall 2002 and documents of the corporation of Intel have been used.

It is published in log "КомпьютерПрайс"

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