Computer Pioneer
Evgenie Rudometov.
There are the people which all power, it is possible to estimate their selfless role and the historical significance on advantage only after a while. It is linked by that results of their work and revolutionism of ideas are quite often so considerable that contemporaries are not always capable to perceive and use them to the full for the society blessing.
Really, to be capable to estimate such giants it is necessary them to correspond, be it similar, that is to be to some extent giants. Only so it is possible to correspond to their level, and it is faster than dream, than a reality.
It is difficult to describe reachings of writers, poets, perhaps, it is even more difficult — to speak politicians about scientists, works and which ideas, as a rule, are so abstract that are difficultly perceived by nonspecialists that is why it is frequent their destiny — a recognition and popularity in rather narrow layer of a society. Such examples it is possible to result much in history of our Native land rich on talented people.
On October, 8th, 2001 90 years from the date of Alexey Andreevicha Lyapunov's (1911-1973) birth, the mathematician, a member-correspondent of Academy of sciences of the USSR, the person as which many scientists considered as the founder our, domestic, cybernetics — sciences are executed , adherence to which in our state some time represented danger not only to freedom, but also a life. It was one of the first domestic scientists who has estimated a role of cybernetics and has brought the huge contribution to its formation as sciences and promoted its development. In the fiftieth years when the cybernetics in the USSR was considered as "a bourgeois pseudo science", Alexey Andreevich Lyapunov has actively supported this perspective scientific direction, active operation over scientific problems and various applied problems, including defensive tasks, proved justice of the position. And in the fiftieth years, during heavy time for classical genetics, Alexey Andreevich was among its active advocates. In the student's circle organised and rukovodimom by it, have received then genetic derivation many of nowadays known biologists of average generation working in the field of genetics, cytology, molecular biology, biochemistry, the evolution theory. In the same circle appeared with lectures and reports known genetics N. P.Dubinin, And. R.Zhebrak, M.M.Zavadovsky, N. V.Timofeev-Resovsky, V.V. Sugars, etc.

Surprisingly, but, despite the considerable scientific reachings, this person was accessible and simple in dialogue. Recollecting its lectures on mathematics, you are surprised its energy, tolerance, availability. Being internationally well-known scientist, it tirelessly pottered with youth, patiently imparting us, schoolboys of the sixtieth, love to mathematics. It thus did it tactfully, without underline of the enormous advantage, without the snobbery which is not too seldom met for people deserved, including and some representatives of the Science. It shared knowledge and willingly discussed not only cybernetics and the mathematician, but also about the physicist, and biology, about the literature and music, including even the modern trends, not sweeping aside them is groundless according to official propagation of that time, recognising in personal meeting, for example, innovative role Beatles and Rolling Stones, adding thus, that considers such music necessary and useful first of all for youth. It was the person derivated and wide sights. It was gallant and perfectly spoke in French of what many hundreds judges of classical music at concerts of the Soviet pianist of Belief Lotar-Shevchenko from which he from politeness invariably spoke on its native language could be convinced.
Recollecting this talented person, only after many years you start to understand, how short instants of personal contact with such people for growth and formation of young men much mean. Repaying a memory debt, it is necessary to remind some facts of its interesting biography gathered by its friends, pupils and numerous admirers of this surprising person.
Alexey Andreevich Lyapunov was born on October, 8th, 1911 in Moscow in a family which has been linked by related and friendly bonds to families of outstanding representatives of Russian intelligency of that time - Sechenovymi, Krylovymi, Filatovymi and others.
Under family legends sort Ljapunovyh originates from prince Konstantin Galitskogo, brother Alexander Nevskogo. Family Ljapunovyh was quitted by many scientists, including mathematicians. Their short family tree pertinently to start from Vasily Aleksandrovicha Lyapunov who since 1820 occupied various management posts at the Kazan university. Its children — Michael, Victor, Natalia and Ekaterina — became ancestors of four branches, in each of which there are world renowned names. Michael Vasilevich, pupil N.I.Lobachevskogo, was the professor of astronomy of the Kazan university, the director of the Kazan observatory, and later the director of the Demidovsky lycйe, first higher educational putting of Yaroslavl; his son — the well-known mathematician and the mechanic, the creator of the theory of stability Alexander Mihajlovich Lyapunov. Victor Vasilevich was the visible physician; among its grandsons — And. N. Krylov — the known mathematician, the mechanic and the ship builder, and Andrey Nikolaevich Lyapunov — father Alexey Andreevicha. From representatives of other sciences consisting related to Ljapunovymi, it is necessary to mention still the physiologist And. M.Setchenov, the chemist-organic chemistry And. M.Zajtseva, the philologist. M.Lyapunov, ophthalmologist V.P.Filatova, physicist P.L.Kapitsa.
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