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The transportable world in the future (on substances IDF Spring 2003)
Victor Rudometov
Evgenie Rudometov
So, what the factory of semiconductor electronic parts in 2015 sees to one of leading heads of the corporation of Intel? As an example operation at factory with the hypothetical name Fab52, making processors on 450 mm to a wafer on the future of 11 nanometers to a procedure has been considered. At such factory of the future difficult enough, freely advancing robotised mechanisms, fulfilling necessary industrial operations, exchange the various information. Thus they will use possibilities of wireless data transfer, taking up a position themselves by means of processing techniques of type LAC. All will be controlled it both distributed, and the powerful centralised computing resources with usage of many of the processing techniques set forth above. Everywhere the wireless sensors are installed, given are automatically handled in the central controlling computer. If necessary the computer informs the information a voice. Each worker has practically instant wireless access to all necessary data, using the transportable arrangement which freely is located on a hand. The central computer inspects and introduces operation by wireless way, knowing where the engineer is allocated, and that it does. As an example it has been shown, as the computer has prompted to the engineer how to transit to the big screen for review of the electronic circuit of the new developed arrangement.
So, at such factory the sparse staff still has basically key functions of the control which is carried out or locally, or distantsionno by means of various transportable arrangements, functionality and which computing power permanently increases. And as it was already repeatedly underlined, the transportable arrangements added with resources, realising various wireless processing techniques, allow not only to fulfil more effectively already existing working operations, but also considerably to expand sphere of possible applications of the given perspective products.
For the given moment transportable platforms, for example, should include 2004:
preobrazuemyj, a removable notebook,
2,4 funtovyj (1,09 kg) the data tablet, 4,5 funtovyj (2,04 kg) a laptop,
The powerful accumulator battery which is ensuring functioning within 6 hours,
Lithium polymeric (Li-Polymer) the processing technique for the secondary generator which will allow to create a source energopitanija any form and to allocate it, for example, on perimetre of the computer,
Always-On Office Warrior,
Always Best Connected,
802.11a/b, GPRS, Bluetooth,
Absence of fans,
Hard disk of a form factor 1,8 ",
The sensor of environing lighting which will allow to regulate highlighting of the screen depending on illuminance of a surrounding medium,
The high-powered processor of following generation.
In spite of the fact that much of the enumerated is oriented to the future, samples of such laptops which are physical incarnation many considered above transportable processing techniques, have been repeatedly shown on the main and specialised reports of the Forum of Intel.
Additional screen Always-On on a cover
The data tablet physically separated from a notebook
Presentation of new processing technique on Anand Chandrasekera's key report
By the way, the big role in reaching of objects in view of perfection of the architecture and the extension of possibilities of transportable computers is played by perspective processing technique PCI Express. It is capable to provide rather high capacity, and, therefore, and productivity. Besides, it is characterised by scalability, rather low energopotreblenie, small cost of implementation.
The new form factor of cards PCI Express oriented now in main on the transportable solutions and received name NEWCARD, means essentially smaller sizes in comparison with used PCMCIA. New maps make approximately forty percent of the size of the old. The similar design internal (miniPCI Express) and external (NEWCARD) maps of standard PCI Express essentially reduces cost of development of the new arrangements intended for usage in transportable computers. Thus, having developed the next peripheral, the manufacturer with ease can migrate in the long term to its internal usage. Except this form factor, the standard of double maps is developed also. These maps combine two arrangements PCI Express and have, accordingly, double width. Thereof at the same, as PCMCIA maps, the sizes it is possible to create already two arrangements.
All necessary and usage of maps of a new form factor of the specification will be already accessible to production in 2003.
From left to right maps: PCMCIA, PCI Express external and internal
Circuits of usage of internal and external maps PCI Express of the size

The processor of Intel of Pentium III-M with clock rate 1,2 GHz,
Intel chip set 830MP,
Display LCD 14,1 ”SXGA +,
Hard disk of 30 Gbytes,
Dynamic storage of 256 Mb,
The optical drive of CD/DVD Combo,
The operating system of Windows XP,
Test MobileMark 2002.
Percentage power consumption of the battery various arrangements in the transportable computer
On the presented diagramme it is visible, that the main consumers of energy are the display, the processor and system energopreobrazovanija. For this reason developments of displays with low power consumption of 3 W are carried on. As to processors Intel corporation has already developed a new transportable platform and even has shown it in operation. It is a question of the processing technique which have received the name of Intel Centrino. This processing technique provides usage of following components of a transportable platform:
The processor of Intel of Pentium M, earlier known as Banias and consisting approximately from 77 million transistors,
Specially developed chip set (the set of Intel 855 with hub ICH4-M),
The card of wireless access of Intel Pro.
Application of the specified components allows not only to raise productivity of transportable solutions, but also to realise additional functions, for example, such as wireless access to network resources, and also considerably to lower the common energopotreblenie.
It is necessary to mark, that in 2002 of system 15 W were under construction of consumption calculation on the average. In 2003 this metric should be lowered to level of 13 W. Systems of 2004 will already consume on the average less than 10 W.
2003, W | 2004, W | |
LCD (14.1 ' XGA) + Inverter | 4.20 | 3.20 |
CPU | 1.00 | 0.80 |
GMCH | 1.00 | 1.10 |
Memory ICH | 0.30 | 0.50 |
Wireless | 0.60 | 0.75 |
Other components | 1.20 | 1.20 |
The clock speed generator | 0.70 | 0.50 |
The fan | 0.30 | 0.30 |
HDD | 1.20 | 1.20 |
DVD / CD-RW | 0.40 | 0.40 |
Losses in the power supply | 1.11 | 0.89 |
ELB (optimisation of consumption DVD, LCD, ALS etc.) | - | -1.00 |
Total power | 12.16 | 9.99 |

So, for example, in February, 2003 technical demonstrating of one of such units grounded on application metanola has been carried out. Thus it is promised, that in 2004 the prototype of serial models of such arrangements will be already created. In the beginning of 2006 mass release and usage of similar power supplies in various arrangements is planned.
Thanks to implementation of essentially new and extremely perspective electric power supplies possessing big power consumption, the future transportable systems will possess essentially big resource of offline work, and also smaller dimensions and weight. In a combination to implementation of the described processing techniques they allow to output transportable arrangements on new level of functionality. What — time will show. Future outlines on the nearest have been designated some years at the last spring Forum of Intel.
In article substances IDF Spring 2003 and documents of the corporation of Intel have been used.
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