Intel OF PENTIUM 4 c Hyper-Threading
Evgenie Rudometov, Victor Rudometov.
The given processing technique has been named Hyper-Threading (processing technique HT). This processing technique originally calculated for support in servers and powerful workstations, receives for the first time the incarnation in desktop computers, starting with model of the processor of Intel of Pentium 4 with clock rate of 3,06 GHz.
Processing technique Hyper-Threading realised in this processor has begun a new class of high-powered desktop personal computers which will provide to users efficiency and high-speed performance by operation in the multitask environments, and also rise of productivity of programs in which multithreaded data processing uses. This processing technique allows to execute simultaneously on one physical processor two jobs or two code snippets of one program. Thus, one processor is perceived by the operating system as two logic units which hard work is carried out in a parallel way.
Matching of the systems created on the basis of the processor, podderzhivajushcheno processing techniques Hyper-Threading, and two traditional processors
Similar ability of one processor to data processing in a multiprocessor mode met earlier only in servers and workstations and that rather recently.
For the first time the idea of processing technique Hyper-Threading was put forward in 1993 by the honourable employee of corporation of Intel Glenn Hinton (Glenn Hinton) which has paid attention, that is very frequent resources of processors use not completely. In view of unsufficiency of development of the solid-state technologies substantially defining the architecture and possibilities of processors, the given original way of data processing could be realised at that time. Only after nine years, in February, 2002, after careful working off of processing technique idea Hyper-Threading has been realised in servers and workstations: with this possibility began to equip servers on the basis of processors of Intel Xeon. And already after two months, on April, 18th, 2002, the president of corporation of Intel Floor Otellini (Paul Otellini) at conference of Microsoft Windows Hardware Engineering Conference in Seattle has shown for the first time application of processing technique Hyper-Threading in desktop PCs, having promised its appearance in desktop PCs in 2003. However on September, 9th, 2002 Floor Otellini has declared that processing technique Hyper-Threading will appear in desktop PCs in the fourth quarter 2002, that is almost for a year before the planned period.
Productivity of systems with Hyper-Threading, as a rule, considerably exceeds similar parametres of the computers constructed on the basis of processors of the traditional architecture.
The application divided into "streams", is capable to win considerably in respect of productivity thanks to application of processing technique Hyper-Threading. Microsoft Windows XP, for example, concern such applications, Adobe Photoshop, 9 version of Windows Media Encoder and NewTek Lightwave. Processing technique Hyper-Threading also allows to raise productivity of system in the multitask environments by operation with the applications which have been not divided into streams. For example, the user who is carrying out retrieval on the Internet in an operating time of the anti-virus program or engaged in editing of video data during sending of e-mail, will detect the rise of productivity reached at the expense of improvement of possibilities of system to carry out simultaneously two tasks.
Cases when productivity of single-processor solutions with implementation Hyper-Threading raises on 30 % are frequent. And it for a pattern about 3 GHz the processor is equivalent to application of model with frequency of operation of 4 GHz. Experts of the corporation of Intel at the seminars devoted to consideration of processing technique Hyper-Threading, resulted various mixtures of tasks in which productivity growth exceeded 60 % as an example. In case of usage of Intel of Pentium of 4 3,06 GHz it corresponds already, at least, to the processor of 5 GHz.
It is necessary to mark, that idea of multithreaded processing by means of usage of appropriate single processors, can be expanded and on the systems consisting of two physical processors. In this case the user receives possibilities of data processing with pomoshchbju four logical processors.
Support of processing technique Hyper-Threading is carried out by multitask operating systems. As such systems it is possible to result, for example, Linux (from the version of a kernel 2.4) and Windows XP. And here popular Windows 95/98/ME for these purposes any more does not approach. As to Windows 2000, that, despite messages on successful operation of the new processors supporting processing technique NT, Microsoft corporation urgently recommends to use in the computers created on the basis of Intel of Pentium 4 with Hyper-Threading, the operating system of Windows XP.
For implementation of possibilities of similar processing techniques of rise of the productivity, realised by means of new processors and chip sets, appropriate motherboards are required.
It can be the cards created on the basis of a number of the newest sets of the system logic — chip sets. As such chip sets chip sets of the corporation of Intel, calculated for operation with clock rate of the bus of the processor of 133 MHz (533 MHz can use at data transfers, 266 MHz at perdachah addresses):
- Intel 845 PE, carrying out support of memory DDR333 and external graphics adapter AGP for mass and high-powered computers,
- Intel 845 GE, carrying out support of memory DDR333 both external graphics adapter AGP and having the built in graphics subsystem of Intel Extreme Graphics,
- Intel 845 GV, having the built in graphics subsystem of Intel Extreme Graphics and oriented to systems of low cost,
- Intel 850 E, carrying out support of two-channel memory PC1066 RDRAM.
It is necessary to add, that for support of processors of Intel of Pentium of 4 3.06 GHz with Hyper-Threading the design of the motherboard and its components should meet the requirements of processors to power supplies and a thermal mode. Installation corresponding BIOS system and drivers besides, is required. Well and, of course, as it already was marked above, the recommended operating systems optimised for usage of processing technique Hyper-Threading.
Considering possibilities of new processing technique of data processing, it is necessary to underline, that Intel corporation continuously perfects not only the architecture of the products, but also processing techniques of their production. It allows, despite negative forecasts of some experts, permanently to remove limits of growth of clock rates. It is possible to be convinced of it on numerous examples of successful dispersal (overclocking) processors that is the excellent indicator of possibilities of existing architectures and processing techniques.
While possibilities of increase in clock rates for processors of GHz of 2,4 GHz-2,8 it was usually limited to a limit laying somewhere in area, close to 3 GHz, the processor of Intel of Pentium of 4 3,06 GHz has allowed to change representation about possibilities of the architecture and solid-state technologies. The researches resulted on a site, have shown high razgonnyj potential of the new processor.
Results of dispersal of the processor of Intel of Pentium of 4 3,06 GHz
Frequency, |
Vcore, |
Temperature, |
OS loading |
3066 |
1.525 |
52.5 |
OK |
OK |
3200 |
1.525 |
53.7 |
OK |
OK |
3333 |
1.575 |
56.2 |
OK |
OK |
3466 |
1.775 |
58.4 |
OK |
OK |
3600 |
1.800 |
61.2 |
OK |
In summary it is necessary to mark, that by experts of the corporation of Intel release of new model of the processor of Intel of Pentium of 4 3.06 GHz there is successfully transited the next boundary of clock rates. In result will reach a new performance level which became still above thanks to implementation in desktop computers of new processing technique Hyper-Threading. High razgonnyj the potential of flagman model allows the underplate to calculate for appearance in the near future new, even more efficient models of the processor of Intel of Pentium 4.
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