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Dispersal of processors AMD Athlon (Thunderbird) and Duron

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Dispersal by means of increase frequency the bus and a factor

It is necessary to mark, that productivity maximum levels are reached by a choice of best values for clock frequency processor buses at appropriate values of frequency multipliers.

Results of dispersal of processors on both cards are presented more low.


Processor Duron dispersal (Soltek SL-KV75 +)
Frequency of the processor = Frequency of the bus * a multiplier CPUmark 99 FPU WinMark
600 = 100 * 6 52,7 3260
630 = 105 * 6 55,4 3430
650 = 100 * 6,5 55,9 3530
672 = 112 * 6 59,1 3660
683 = 105 * 6,5 58,8 3720
715 = 110 * 6,5 61,6 3890
800 = 100 * 8 65 4350
840 = 105 * 8 68,4 4580

Here maximum productivity is reached at a maximum factor and maximum frequency of the bus.

Dispersal of processor Duron (motherboard Abit KT7)
Frequency of the processor = Frequency of the bus * a multiplier CPUmark 99 FPU WinMark
600 = 100 * 6 51,4 3260
650 = 100 * 6,5 55 3550
672 = 112 * 6 57,8 3660
683 = 105 * 6,5 57,4 3720
690 = 115 * 6 59,4 3760
700 = 100 *7 57,6 3810
715 = 110 * 6,5 60,2 3890
748 = 115 * 6,5 63,2 4080
770 = 110 * 7 63,5 4190
800 = 100 * 8 63,2 4350
840 = 105 * 8 66,7 4580
850 = 100 * 8,5 65,8 4640
880 = 110 * 8 69,9 4790
893 = 105 * 8,5 69,4 4860
896 = 115 * 8 71,2 4880
900 = 100 * 9 68,3 4900
910 = 107 * 8,5 70,9 4980

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